DVMP's Fantasy Survivor Wiki

Welcome to tribal council, Lutar!

You have until 5:30 PM EST Christmas Day (48 hours from now) to send in your votes publicly through the tribe chat (see the "Chaos, Chaos, Chaos" thread if you're confused). Tribal council questions are optional but highly recommended, and there is the chance you'll be asked a follow-up question.

Since tomorrow is Christmas Eve and the day after is Christmas Day, I have decided to give you those days off (after tribal is over) to enjoy Christmas with your families.  You can still talk and do game stuff, but no challenges/tribals will take place until the day after Christmas.  Also, the mystery challenge that will start on Christmas Day will be a revised version of the challenge that can be competed solely on the day after Christmas with no disadvantage if you choose to go that route, so everyone's schedules can be accounted for.

However, if you guys would like to just have the votes read tomorrow so you don't have to worry about the game on Christmas Day, then if everyone gets in their vote tomorrow, I'll read the results then and just give those extra 24 hours as a break.

To All: Are any of you worried by the lack of the challenge performance in this tribe? How can you turn this failure around, or can you not?

To All: Yet another mystery was activated this cycle, forcing all of you to cast your votes publicly. How does that affect strategy and what are you doing to succeed with this new kink in the game?

To All: As we get deeper into the game, shifts and blindsides are going to become more and more likely to occur. How likely is a shift/blindside to occur tonight, and do you feel confident about your chances to stay on top?

Probst: I will now read the votes.





...Dylan. That's one vote Dylan, one vote Megan, one vote Ryan, one vote Aaron, one vote Gabriella, three votes left...


'4th Person Voted out of Survivor: Dawn of the Storm...


Final vote tally: 3-1-1-1-1-?
