DVMP's Fantasy Survivor Wiki

Probst: If anyone has a hidden immunity idol, now would be the time to play it.

No one stands.

Probst: In that case, I will now read the votes.



...Kevin. That's three votes Kevin...



...Sophie. That's three votes Kevin, three votes Sophie...


...Sophie. That's four votes Kevin, four votes Sophie, one vote left...

...Lynn. We have a tie.

Current Vote Tally: 4-4-1.

Kevin and Sophie, you two are in a tie. Neither of you can vote; everyone else must revote for one of you. You will have until 7 AM EST tomorrow morning to vote; if you do not send in a revote, your old vote will be taken as the new one (unless you're the vote for Lynn, in which case your vote would be null and void). Good luck!

Probst: I will now read the revotes.






...Sophie. That's three votes Kevin, three votes Sophie, one vote left...

...6th Person Voted Out of Survivor: The Greater Antilles...


Final Vote Tally: 4-4-1; 4-3.
